Welcome to MyyShop  User Manual

Dropshipping an item on MyyShop is easy. Follow the steps below.

Step 04

List products in your store.

Step 05

Payment: Zero Inventory, Risk-Free!

Step 06

Package delivery.

Step 01

Sign up/Sign in: www.myyshop.com

Step 02

Granting MyyShop Permission to connect your TikTok Seller Center

Step 03

Sync MyyShop Inventory to your TikTok Seller Center

Step 04

List products in your store.

Step 05

Payment: Zero Inventory, Risk-Free!

Step 06

Package delivery.

Step 01

Sign up/Sign in: www.myyshop.com

Step 02

Granting MyyShop Permission to connect your TikTok Seller Center

Step 03

Sync MyyShop Inventory to your TikTok Seller Center

Step 01

Sign up/Sign in: www.myyshop.com

These steps may take some time, please be patient.

Step 01-1

Sign up/Sign in: www.myyshop.com
Sample Center
MyyShop is a platform for US TikTok Shop sellers & other retailers that simplifies inventory management, sourcing, and fulfillment, focusing on providing access to trending products. Our core value proposition lies in the ability to help businesses discover and sell the most popular and in-demand items.
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